Python Time&Date Manipulation for Data Scientists

Industry skills you will learn and practice
- Advanced time arithmetics
- Working with different date and time formats
- Using timestamps to filter datasets
- Time series processing
- Time units conversion
- Analyzing the evolution of business-critical metrics
What will you find in each module?
- Theoretical introduction to the topic
- Applications in the industry
- Ready-to-reuse Python code examples using Pandas but also NumPy or SciPy
- Multiple explained coding exercises and interview questions based on real-life problems for you to practice
Who is this guide for?
- Are you eager to learn about temporal data to excel in your career?
- Do you know the basics of Python Data Manipulation?
- Want to excel in solving real-life data science problems?
- Are you a fresh data scientist who wants to make your life easier?
- Want to access a repository of methods and solutions for time&date manipulation?
Then this guide is for you! Start learning here!