What is NLP in Machine Learning?

What is NLP in Machine Learning

Explore the wonders of NLP, from sassy chatbots to AI doctors, and discover how this technology is revolutionizing human-computer interactions.

When you last used Siri or Google Translate, do you wonder how these technologies work?

Natural language processing and the technology behind these features come into play here. It's changing how we talk to our silicon friends, who are becoming smarter daily.

Shall we go into the rabbit hole of NLP together? Hold on your seat, buckle up, and let’s get started!

What is NLP?

What is NLP in Machine Learning

Have you ever dreamed of talking with your computer? Well, wake up because this dream, thanks to NLP, might have become a reality.

For example, while you are messaging a ChatGPT, it gets you! That is NLP in action. It is the end product of teaching computers to speak like humans.

But how does it work? Here, NLP learns from a given text, according to the training data and your input, and it keeps learning and learning. Before you know it, BAM! Now you are in a sassy machine.

Do you remember what happened after learning a foreign language? NLP is doing that 24/7 for computers. It cracks the code of human communication according to the given datasets.

Fun Fact: Some NLP models have read more books than you'll read in ten lifetimes. Talk about being well-read!

Ready to dive deeper into the NLP rabbit hole? Hang tight! We're just starting this wild ride through the world of machine-powered gabfests.

NLP & Traditional Programming

Have you ever tried to teach your stubborn old dog new tricks? That is like traditional programming: “Stop,”” Go.” Precise? Sure. Flexible? Not so much.

Now, picture NLP as that cool kid who just gets it. Throw a curveball and watch it adapt. While traditional coding sweats over every detail, NLP's chillin' is figuring things out on the fly.

Think about decoding a sarcastic tweet. Traditional programming would need an encyclopedia of rules. "If word X plus emoji Y, then sarcasm." Yawn! NLP? It's like that friend who always catches your jokes, no matter how subtle.

Here's where it gets wild: NLP doesn't just follow rules. It learns from examples. Feed it a buffet of tweets, and BAM! It starts picking up on patterns faster than you can say "machine learning.”

Remember when you first learned slang? How confusing was that? NLP goes through the same process but at superhuman speed. It's constantly evolving to understand context nuances, even those pesky idioms that make no literal sense.

So next time you're amazed by a chatbot's witty comeback, thank NLP. It's working overtime to bridge the gap between robot-speak and our messy, beautiful human language.

Mind-Bender: If NLP were a person, it'd be that polyglot friend who picks up new languages just by watching foreign films.

Ready to see NLP in action? Stick around! We're about to go into some mind-blowing examples to make you question everything you thought you knew about machines and language.

Key Components of NLP

First, examine some critical NLP features, like tokenization and sentiment analysis. These features might seem irrelevant initially, but they are building blocks of more advanced algorithms and applications, which we’ll see in the following sections.

Before applying the codes, let’s load the libraries to ensure the environment is ready.

import pandas as pd
import nltk
from nltk import pos_tag
from nltk.chat.util import Chat, reflections
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

import spacy
from textblob import TextBlob
from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer
from translate import Translator
from sumy.parsers.plaintext import PlaintextParser
from sumy.nlp.tokenizers import Tokenizer
from sumy.summarizers.lsa import LsaSummarizer


Now, if you want to chop a sentence into multiple parts, tokenization is your feature to use. Let’s see how it works;

sentence = "NLP is mind-blowingly cool"
tokens = word_tokenize(sentence)
print("Word smoothie:" tokens)

Here is the output.

Tokenization Component of NLP in Machine Learning

Part-of-Speech Tagging

Now, let’s detect the grammar of your sentence by using Part-of-speech tagging. Let's label some words:

sentence = "Cats rule the internet"
tokens = word_tokenize(sentence)
tagged = pos_tag(tokens)
print("Grammar detective results:" tagged)

Here is the output.

Part of Speech Tagging Component of NLP in Machine Learning

Named Entity Recognition (NER)

NER is another NLP feature that will help you define;

  • Names
  • Locations
  • Dates

And more. Now, to test this, let’s use the following code.

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
sentence = "Elon Musk is tweeting about Mars again"
doc = nlp(sentence)
for ent in doc.ents:
    print(f"{ent.text}: {ent.label_}")

Here is the output.

NER Another feature of NLP in Machine Learning

Sentiment Analysis

Do you want to measure the feeling of the text? If you answer yes, then sentiment analysis is the feature you want. Let’s see in action

from textblob import TextBlob

sentence = "I love this product!"

blob = TextBlob(sentence)

sentiment = blob.sentiment

print(f"Sentiment Analysis:\nPolarity: {sentiment.polarity} (Positive)\nSubjectivity: {sentiment.subjectivity} (Subjective)")

if sentiment.polarity > 0:
    print("The sentiment is positive.")
elif sentiment.polarity < 0:
    print("The sentiment is negative.")
    print("The sentiment is neutral.")

Here is the output.

Sentiment Analysis Component of NLP in Machine Learning

As you can see from the code and the output, this sentiment is positive! Now, these features might look too easy for you, but let’s wait to see the application of NLP!

Language Modeling

You probably know the ChatPGT; here, we will use GPT-2 to see how it will finish our sentence.

Let’s see.

model_name = "gpt2"
model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)

prompt = "The weather is"
inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt")
outputs = model.generate(inputs.input_ids, max_length=10, num_return_sequences=1)
generated = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)

Here is the output.

Language Modeling Component of NLP in Machine Learning

Boom! Your AI's now a fortune teller of words.

Mind Bender: If you combined all these components, what kind of super-AI would you create? The possibilities are mind-boggling!

Applications of NLP

 Applications of NLP in Machine Learning

Now that you know what NLP is and its features, you are ready for complex examples. Let’s see a few of them!

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Siri or Alexa, you might see how they can be used even if you have not tried them! But what about creating our mini-chatbot? Let’s see:

pairs = [
    (r"my name is (.*)", ["Hello %1, how can I help you today?"]),
    (r"hi|hey|hello", ["Hello", "Hey there"]),
    (r"what is your name?", ["I am a chatbot created for demonstration."]),
    (r"how are you?", ["I'm doing well, thank you!", "I'm great!"]),
    (r"sorry (.*)", ["It's okay", "No problem"]),
    (r"quit", ["Goodbye!", "It was nice talking to you."])

chatbot = Chat(pairs, reflections)

print("Hi, I'm your chatbot. Type 'quit' to exit.")

Here is the output.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants Application of NLP in Machine Learning

As you can see, the chatbot answers you according to the pairs you’ve defined.

Language Translation

You’ve probably tried learning foreign languages in the past, so you might recall that it can be frustrating! But worry no more. Let’s see how you will have a polyglot buddy in your pocket! Let’s see:

translator = Translator(to_lang="tr")
sentence = "NLP is cooler than a polar bear's toenails!"
translation = translator.translate(sentence)
print(f"Cümlenin türkçesi: {translation}")

Here is the output.

Language Translation Application of NLP in Machine Learning

You’ve learned Turkish in under 1 second.


If you have to read a long article or book for your job or in the school, you may want to read a summary of this article or book. Of course, too many summarization tools are available on the market, but why should we implement ours? Let’s see the code:

text = "NLP is mind-blowing! It's revolutionizing how we talk to machines. From chatbots to translation it's everywhere. The future of human-computer interaction is here and it speaks our language!"

parser = PlaintextParser.from_string(text, Tokenizer("english"))
summarizer = LsaSummarizer()
summary = summarizer(parser.document, 1)
print(f"TL;DR: {summary[0]}")

Here is the output.

Summarization Application of NLP in Machine Learning

Customer Service

You probably remember that we’ve done sentiment analysis for one comment. But what if you would have more than one? Here in this application, you will apply sentiment analysis to many comments, and that’s how you will train the code to be a receptionist who can read minds!

sid = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()

feedback_data = [
    "The product is great but the delivery was slow.",
    "I love the features of this item.",
    "The customer service was terrible and unhelpful.",
    "Amazing experience, will buy again!",
    "Quality is okay, not what I expected.",
    "Horrible, I want a refund!"

feedback_results = []
for feedback in feedback_data:
    sentiment = sid.polarity_scores(feedback)
        "Feedback": feedback,
        "Compound": sentiment["compound"],
        "Positivity": sentiment["pos"],
        "Negativity": sentiment["neg"],
        "Neutrality": sentiment["neu"]

df = pd.DataFrame(feedback_results)

def categorize_sentiment(compound_score):
    if compound_score >= 0.5:
        return "Very Positive"
    elif 0.1 <= compound_score < 0.5:
        return "Positive"
    elif -0.1 < compound_score < 0.1:
        return "Neutral"
    elif -0.5 < compound_score <= -0.1:
        return "Negative"
        return "Very Negative"

df["Sentiment Category"] = df["Compound"].apply(categorize_sentiment)


Here is the output.

Customer Service Application of NLP in Machine Learning

Tada! You're now an emotion detective. Use this power wisely, young padawan!

Mind Bender: Imagine combining all these NLP superpowers. Could we create an AI that's part editor, translator, and assistant?

If you want to create your NLP application, make sure you know What MLOps is.

Data Projects in NLP

Now, in this section, let’s dig deeper. From the beginning to this part, we saw the features of NLP and the real-life applications but in scale.

In this section, we will see two different Data Projects related to NLP that were asked during interviews. Let’s start with the first one!

Keyword Detection on Websites (PeakData Project)

Data Projects in NLP in Machine Learning

First of all, you can reach this project from here;https://platform.stratascratch.com/data-projects/keyword-detection-websites

For this project, your mission is to create an algorithm that takes an HTML page as input and dedicates whether this HTML file contains information about cancer tumorboard or not!

Let’s see the game plan!

The Game Plan:

  1. Scrub that HTML squeaky clean (BeautifulSoup to the rescue!)
  2. Pre-process text data
  3. Don’t forget EDA!
  4. Feature Engineering must be done before applying the model.
  5. Train a model. (Siamese Network, maybe?)
  6. Evaluate your model
  7. Do prediction

Bonus round: Can your AI pinpoint specific tumor types and their schedules? Now that's showing off!

Chatbot Response Selection (Spectrm Project)

Data Projects in NLP in Machine Learning

Here is the data project: https://platform.stratascratch.com/data-projects/chatbot-responses

Can you play Cupid for chatbot responses? It's like speed dating but for AI conversations. Your task: reunite lonely replies with their conversation soulmates in a sea of fictional dialogs.

The Master Plan:

1. Dive into dialog datasets (missing replies, oh my!)
2. Craft a context-savvy algorithm.
3. Play matchmaker with replies and conversations.
4. Judge your cupid skills with some severe metrics
5. Package it all up in a neat Python script

Mind Bender: If these AIs collaborated, could the tumor board detector help the chatbot give medical advice, or would the chatbot teach the detector some bedside manner?

If you want to know more about NLP, check out these interview questions.

Challenges in NLP

Think NLP's a walk in the park? Think again! It's more like trying to teach a toddler quantum physics in Klingon. Let's dive into the brain-bending hurdles that keep NLP experts up at night.

1. Ambiguity and Context: The Language Labyrinth
Ever told someone to "go to the bank," and they ended up riverside? Welcome to the wild world of word ambiguity! NLP systems grapple with this linguistic tightrope walk daily. Context is king, and our AI pals are desperately trying to claim the throne.

2. Sarcasm and Irony: The AI Comedy Club
Sarcasm: humanity's favorite way to confuse robots. When you say, "Oh joy, another meeting," your AI assistant might start planning a party. Teaching machines to detect eye rolls? Now, that's a real barrel of laughs.

3. Language Variability: The Dialect Dilemma
Imagine trying to understand every human on Earth. Now multiply that headache by a million. That's what NLP tackles with language variability. From Shakespearean sonnets to teenage text-speak, it's a linguistic rollercoaster!

4. Data Quality and Bias: The Garbage In Garbage Out Conundrum
Feed your AI a diet of biased data, and surprise! You get a biased AI. It's like raising a child on nothing but reality TV. Ensuring clean, fair data? That's the digital equivalent of eating your veggies.

5. Multilinguality: The Tower of Babel 2.0
Building an NLP system that speaks every language? It's like hosting a UN meeting... on your laptop. Each language brings its quirks, idioms, and cultural baggage. It's enough to make any algorithm want to call in sick.

6. Computational Resources: The Hunger Games of Processing Power
NLP models are the power-hungry divas of the AI world. They demand more computing juice than a sci-fi supercomputer. For smaller teams, it's like trying to run a space program from your garage. Doable? Maybe. Easy? Ha!

Mind Bender: If we solved all these challenges overnight, what kind of super-AI would we wake up to? A digital Shakespeare? Or a sassy chatbot?

So you have it! The Mount Everest of NLP challenges. But where's the fun without a little (or a lot) of difficulty? These hurdles are more than just problems. They're opportunities for innovation. Who's ready to tackle them head-on?

Future of NLP

Buckle up, language lovers! We're about to blast off into NLP's tomorrow. It's a wild ride that'll make today's tech look like stone tablets and carrier pigeons.

1. Context: The Mind Readers
Imagine an AI that gets your sarcasm. Wild right? Future NLP will be like that annoying friend who finishes your sentences but gets them right. BERT and GPT? They're just the warm-up act.

2. Polyglot Bots: Breaking Babel's Curse
Tomorrow's NLP? It'll juggle languages like a linguistic circus act. Mandarin to Klingon in a blink! Global village? It's more like a cozy digital studio apartment.

3. Speed Demons: The Real-Time Revolution
Instant translation? That's so yesterday. We're talking NLP on steroids. Analyze tweets faster than they're typed. Think before you speak. It will make The Flash look like he's running in molasses.

4. Ethical AI: The Digital Boy Scouts
Biased AI? Not on our watch! Future NLPs are going to be squeaky clean. No more racist robots or sexist software. We're talking AI with a moral compass that'd make Jiminy Cricket proud.

5. Tech Cocktail: NLP Meets the Jetsons
NLP's going to crash the tech party hard. Imagine chatting with your AR glasses or gossiping with your smart fridge. It's not just the Internet of Things. It's the Internet of Chatty Things!

6. You You You: The "Me" in Machine
Future NLP? It's all about YOU, baby. It'll know your quirks, your jokes, your coffee order. It's like having a digital twin but one that remembers your birthday.

7. Dr. AI: The Silicon Stethoscope
Healthcare's getting an NLP makeover. Imagine an AI that reads medical jargon faster than you can say "hypochondriac." It's like giving every doctor a superpower and every patient a translator.

8. Robo-Buddies: Your New Digital BFFs
Autonomous agents are leveling up! They're not just following orders. They're practically reading your mind. It's like having a genie, but you get infinite digital assistance instead of three wishes.

Mind Bender: If NLP becomes this advanced, will we no longer need to learn languages? Or will we all just become professional prompt engineers?

Fasten your seatbelts, folks! The future of NLP isn't just knocking; it's breaking down the door, doing a backflip, and ordering pizza. It's perfect Esperanto. Ready or not, here it comes!


Whew! What a wild ride through the NLP wonderland! We've seen machines slice and dice sentences with tokenization, play grammar detective with POS tagging, and even read emotions in text. From sassy chatbots to AI doctors, NLP's fingerprints are everywhere.

Sure, it sometimes stumbles on sarcasm and gets lost in the language maze. But that's part of the charm! Are you looking ahead? We're talking AI that gets context, juggles languages, and even writes the next bestseller.

To sharpen your skills, do Data Projects that will get you there. Check out our platform here! See you there!

What is NLP in Machine Learning

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